Saturday, October 22, 2016

Sneak Peak of our Yo-Yo Cupcake recipe!

The Bakers at Sweet Tooth are excited to bring you the first look into our latest cupcake recipe straight out of the oven! Below is a photo of our Yo-Yo ideas. 

The Yo-Yo will have a cupcake cake and frosting with sprinkles on both sides. It will also come with a cup for proper Cupcake Yo-Yo storage, as shown below.

Manufacturing and Assembly

The design will consist of two injection molded parts and two thermoformed parts.

Injection Molded Parts:

  1. Cupcake Frosting: The frosting will be injection molded into a two cavity mold. It can be injected in different color plastic to give our customers their choice of frosting flavor. It will be hollowed out and consist of holes such that the sprinkles can be inserted through.

  1. Cake: The cake will also be injected molded in a two cavity mold. The cake will have a press-fit attachment to hold the frosting and sprinkles together on to the base.

Thermoformed Parts:

  1. Sprinkles: The Sprinkles will be thermoformed into the shape of the cupcake frosting such that it can fit inside of it and have the sprinkles stick out from the holes in the frosting.

  1. Cup: The cup will be thermoformed with dimensions such that the yoyo can fit perfectly inside with only one side of cake & frosting sitting above the wrapper.

For the assembly, the sprinkles will fit into the frosting, and then together they will be press-fitted into the cake. The two halves of the Yo-Yo will be connected with a screw that will be embedded during injection molding. The screw will also be used for winding the string.

Principles for Design for Manufacturing

In order to fulfill our goal of connecting the Yo-Yo world with the cupcake world, we took it upon ourselves to create a detailed design of a classical cupcake in a Yo-Yo form. However, in order to perfect this design, a set of Principles of Design for Manufacturing was considered.

For thermoforming specifically, the thickness of the thermoformed sprinkle layer was considered to achieve the highest accuracy to fit with the injection molded frosting. In order to do so, the frosting was hollowed out for the sprinkles such that thermoformed part (sprinkles) would fit inside of the injection molded part (frosting) perfectly and have the sprinkles stick out from the holes in the frosting. We found multiple advantages to this approach due to the reduction in material volume. That would ultimately reduce our manufacturing cost and increase our manufacturing rate with less cooling time.
For both injection molded and thermoformed parts, sharp angles were carefully substituted with chosen fillet diameters to ease the mold machining process. In addition, slight draft angles were specified to ease the ejection process. That said, by considering the above principles, a majestically simple cupcake design was achieved, fitting within our dimension tolerances.

Table of Specifications

Design Parameters
Measurement tool
Base cake diameter (body diameter)
2.5 in
String Gap
0.075 in
Frosting Height
0.8 in
Base cake thickness
0.2 in
Yoyo (frosting+base cake+sprinkles) mass
0.2 lbs
Cupcake wrapper mass
0.04 lbs
Maximum rotational speed
6000 rpm
Experimental tests

Gantt Chart 

In order to keep our customers informed we made this Gantt Chart below. Keep up with our bakers as they continue to concoct the Cupcake Yo-Yo recipe

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Meet the Team!

Sweet Tooth is a five person team of Mechanical Engineers that hope to bridge the gap between the baking world and the Yo-Yo world. Our team members include Kevin Leonardo, Cedric Delmy, Andrea Meister, Mohammed AlDajani, & Jana Saadi. Watch out for future blog posts where we will share the recipe we concoct to make our delicious Yo-Yo design.